
Download reign her majesty guide
Download reign her majesty guide

download reign her majesty guide

It seems more that you're supposed to fire when a description of the tarot card called out is apt. I had to do the assassin duel twice, the first time I kept "Stepping forward" until I had lost, at no point did the words "the fool" appear. What? Like you said, the tutorial says to fire when you literally see the words it says to fire on, but that has not been my experience. The actual answer was to fire on "A youth walking down a path" When I beat the assassin, I was supposed to look for "The fool" I was just duelign the assassin, and both during the tutorial and the assassin duel, the words I was told to look for never showed up. Just read the text of his "song," and then fire your gun when the phrase includes the words he tells you to look for. When the owl tells you to fire when you hear "the crazy," it literally means you need to fire your gun when the words "the crazy" appear in the text of his song.

download reign her majesty guide

Originally posted by Seperallis:The "tutorial" in the dueling room goes over this, but it's easy to miss if you do things.out of order, so I'll explain.

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